Essential Oils In The Kitchen Mom Life

Welcome to Homemade Hills

April 9, 2019
Homemade Hills Welcome Post

Hi and welcome! I’m Hillary, an IT consultant by day, *new* blogger by night, wife, and mom to two little boys and a golden retriever pup. I’ve always wanted to start a blog and decided to finally take the plunge. Check out the About section to learn a little more about me.

Here’s what you’ll see on Homemade Hills:

Homemade Hills Mom Life

Being a mom is hard work. Some days it is overwhelming, while other days I think, “I could have a million kids!”. With two boys at home and hopefully more to come one day, there are always stories to share. Between parenting decisions, favorite products, and my day-to-day life, you will see it all here.

Homemade Hills Essential Oils

What they are, why I use them, and how I use them. Essential oils are now part of my family’s daily routine and the benefits are pretty amazing. My husband calls me an “oil head” due to my new(ish) obsession, but don’t let his jokes fool you, he uses them daily too.

Homemade Hills In The Kitchen

I am not a professional chef or baker by any means, but I do cook almost every night and love to bake a yummy dessert for different occasions. I love trying new recipes, especially easy ones that can be whipped up after work, and will share with you all my go-to recipes and shortcuts in the kitchen. I’ll also bring you along as I try to hone in on my baking skills because who doesn’t love a good homemade treat?

So, that’s it in a nutshell. Here I am putting it all out there, well maybe not all, but I’ve always loved sharing things that work for me and won’t hesitate to share things that have not. I’m a realist and have been told I am pretty blunt, so if you ask me my opinion, you will get a real answer (which can sometimes get me in trouble!). That being said, I will use this blog to share real stories, insight, and observations and hope you all find it comforting, helpful, or at least entertaining!


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