Essential Oils Mom Life

Top Essential Oils Used During Pregnancy

May 2, 2020

I really started getting into essential oils during my second pregnancy (I am now 18 weeks pregnant with my third baby). Some might think this is odd timing because most people are worried about putting things on or in their body when pregnant, but for me, I felt like I was finally getting in tune with my body during that time. I like having natural remedies to help offset some of the uncomfortable things about being pregnant and I personally feel very comfortable using them (Doterra oils only) after doing the research and knowing the company’s standards for their oil processes. There is no reason to be scared of using high quality, pure, essential oils while pregnant. If they are truly pure plant extracts, they are ok to use. But remember, if using topically, you always want to dilute them with something like fractionated coconut oil because they are medicinal and can be strong, especially on your skin.

Here are the main oils I use during pregnancy (a lot of which I use regularly when not pregnant as well).

Top Oils Diffused:

Breathe (Respiratory Blend) + Serenity (Restful Blend) – Diffused nightly in our bedroom to help with pregnancy congestion and sleep.

Breathe (Respiratory Blend) + Eucalyptus – Diffused most days while working to help with pregnancy congestion. I struggle a lot with horrible congestion while pregnant (pregnancy rhinitis is very common and is the swelling of your nasal passages). These two are lifesavers.

Top Oils Used Topically:

Note: All of these are pre-diluted with fractionated coconut oil in essential oil roller bottles.

Deep Blue (Soothing Blend) – Rolled on my legs nightly to help with restless legs. If you don’t know what having restless legs feels like, you haven’t had it. It’s an indescribable, very annoying, feeling in your legs and this blend helped a ton! Sometimes I get it in my ankles too. This is basically the natural version of Icy Hot to give you an idea of what it feels like.

Digestzen (Digestive Blend) – Rolled around my belly button nightly to help keep the body moving. This might be TMI, but most women know when you’re pregnant/taking prenatals you tend to get stopped up. Ugh. This helps. 

Breathe (Respiratory Blend) – Rolled on my chest at night when I was really congested.

Peppermint – Rolled on temples, behind ears, and back of neck for nausea/motion sickness, or when I need a boost of energy! 

Peppermint + Frankincense – Rolled each on my temples when I got a headache. You can’t take most medicines when pregnant and I like to avoid them all if possible, so this was a great natural alternative when I get the occasional headache throughout my pregnancy. 

On Guard (Protective Blend) – Rolled on the bottom of my feet nightly to help boost the immune system.

Prenatal Vitamins:

I started taking Doterra’s Lifelong Vitality supplements during my third trimester in my second pregnancy and haven’t looked back. It is a lot of pills, so if you can’t stomach that, they might not be for you, but if you can, they are totally worth it! They are completely natural, whole food vitamins (no synthetic ingredients like most prenatals) which makes them easily digestible and have a high absorption rate. I have more energy, my digestion has improved dramatically, and I overall feel great. I take these every day, including when I’m pregnant or nursing. I have done extensive research on the ingredients in these supplements so I feel comfortable taking them as my prenatal. I also take Doterra’s probiotic as well. As always consult your doctor.

If you’re interested in trying out any of the above, use my link below to browse!

Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below!


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